Clarisonic Cleanse

Fall Skin Therapy Tips


Every season requires a unique skin care routine, and as fall starts it is important to adjust your routine to help your skin recover from summer and prepare it for the winter.

Here are some great tips to keep in mind for your fall skincare routine.

  • Everyone needs to use a moisturizer and lip treatment every day
    Moisturizing your skin every day coupled with regular lip treatment application will help you maintain the healthy skin all year round. Your Massage Heights Skin Therapist will prescribe a moisturizer specifically formulated for your skin type and skin concerns, so don’t wait to visit your local Massage Heights now before your skin suffers from harsh winter weather.
  • Don’t use harsh soap
    Harsh chemicals found in many soap products strip away the natural oils your body produces to protect your skin’s health. These harsh soaps leave your skin dry and itchy. An easy step to take this Fall is to simply replace your fragrant soap bars with A body wash that protects the health of your skin. Our Heights @ Home body washes are exactly what your skin needs to stay healthy and clean.
  • Pay Attention to Your Skin
    As the weather changes, you may notice changes in your skin. Watch your skin as the season changes and consult your Skin Therapist to see if you need to change up your skin care products.
  • Never Neglect your SPF
    Cooler weather doesn’t mean you can ditch the sunscreen. Sunscreen is important all year round for slowing skin aging and reflecting off harmful UV rays. Using a professional dermalogica 2-in1 Moisturizer-SPF will not only ensure your skin is protected but also treat your everyday skin health concerns.
  • Make facials a part of your regular health care regimen
    With everyday skin concerns and battling the weather changes, if you haven’t make facials a part of your health care regime, NOW is the time! Say goodbye to outdated cookie-cutter treatments! Massage Heights’ has partnered with Dermalogica, the leader in skin care products to Elevate your skin health. Our skin treatments are designed and customized throughout the treatment to meet your exact skin’s needs based upon your personal face mapping ® skin analysis.

Delivering visible results through dermalogica’s professional strength formula’s and Massage Heights’ therapies, advanced technology, and phenomenal Skin Therapists, we guarantee you have never experienced skin health like this before! Ready to take steps to treat the health of your skin? Request a reservation today with Massage Heights! Click here for more information about our Essentials Facial.
