Man in grey shirt with folded arms smiling

Founder’s Fitness Challenge: Getting Your Family and Friends Involved

Its summer time and we all enjoy a little fun in the sun especially when we can share the experiences with family and friends. During the summer we tend to be more aware of our health and wellness. It may have to do with us knowing we’ll be slipping into a bathing suit! But staying on course isn't easy, especially when you’re doing it alone, now is the perfect time to get your family and friends involved! So let’s take that workout outdoors and start building some memorable moments together!Family getting ready for a run in the park

This month’s challenge focuses on helping you recruit your family and friends by showing them fitness can be fun. I understand it can be tough to get them involved, I’m always looking for ways to motivate my own children but once they see what a great time we’re having it gets a whole lot easier! I start by focusing on activities my children really like to do, for example: CrossFit, bike riding, hiking and swimming – you’ll see a lot of those activities incorporated this month! Need a little more inspiration, try turning it into a game, you’ll see some example during this challenge as well.

Share with us what’s working for you via Facebook/Twitter/Instagram using #FoundersChallenge. We definitely want to know how you’re doing!

Please note: Before adopting any new exercise routine, you should consult your physician.

Week 1:

Monday - Grab a jump rope and jump rope for 10 minutes.

  • If you don’t have a jump rope, no worries! You can still create the same movement by jumping up and down while moving your wrists in a circular motion as if you had a jump rope in your hands.
  • Looking for a challenge, try using a weight rope.

Tuesday – There’s lots of great activities you do in the gym that you can take outdoors. Today you’ll turn a park bench into your StairMaster or Step. Alternate legs as you go up and down, do two sets of 20.

While you’re at the park find a sturdy branch or try the monkey bars to use it thrust yourself up and down. Do as many pull up as you can in 60 seconds, rest for 1 minute then repeat for another round.

Mother and daughter working out

  • Want to challenge yourself, try doing a push up between each of your pull ups.

Wednesday – Have some fun trimming down with a hula hoop! According to the American Council on Exercise, hooping can burn over 400 calories per hour, now that sounds like a fun way to burn off those extra calories!

Thursday – Rest day! But if you and your family feel like pushing yourselves take a leisurely walk or jog.Father and daughter taking a walk

Friday – Take advantage of getting into the pool, lake or beach to burn off some calories. Do 5-10 laps then take a two minute break and finish off with another 5-10 laps. Have some fun with it, you can turn it into a time challenge between you and the family.

Saturday – Take a hike, yes I mean that literally. Find a scenic spot in your area and pick a trail that will help challenge you. You’ll not only get a great cardio workout but you’ll also enjoy the beautiful views the hike has to offer. This is a really great family activity! Need a little help finding a hiking trail near you, check out this link:

Sunday – Rest day!

Week 2:

Monday – It’s time to go back to the park! Find that nice sturdy branch or you can use the monkey bars to do your pull ups. Do as many pull up as you can in 60 seconds, rest for 1 minute then repeat for another round.

Daughter playing in the park with dad

  • Want to challenge yourself, try doing a push up between each of your pull ups.

Next, it’s time to turn that park bench into your StairMaster/ Step. Alternate legs as you go up and down, do two sets of 20.

Tuesday – Trail running – burn extra calories without adding additional miles.

Wednesday – Create a backyard boot camp. Start by setting up two markers 50 feet apart.

  • 3 minutes: Sprint to the far cone; return to base jogging backwards.
  • 2 minutes: High knees to far cone; return to base doing burpees.
  • 3 minutes: Side shuffle to far cone; return to base doing side shuffle.
  • 1 minute: Plank

Repeat circuit twice

Thursday – Rest day! Feel like pushing yourself and your family choose to take a leisurely walk or jog.

Friday – Create a Fitness Scavenger Hunt: map out a 3-5 mile course that you can choose to walk or jog but when you see the following:

  • Park bench do 15 sit ups

Father and daughter doing sit ups in the park

  • Fire hydrant do 20 jumping jacks
  • Traffic sign do 30-seconds of high knees
  • Driveway do side shuffles across
  • Mailbox do 30-second bicycles

Saturday – Try something new like Paddleboard – it not only targets your core but is a great way to tone your whole body.Woman paddle boarding

Sunday – Rest day!

Week 3:

Monday – Grab a jump rope and jump rope for 10 minutes. If you don’t have a jump rope you can still create the same movement by jumping up and down while moving your wrists in a circular motion as if you had a jump rope in your hands. Looking for a challenge, try using a weight rope.Mother and daughter doing triceps workout in the park

Do 10 tricep push downs.

Next, turn the park bench into your StairMaster/ Step. Alternate legs as you go up and down, do two sets of 20.

While you’re at the park find a sturdy branch or try the monkey bars to use it thrust yourself up and down. Do as many pull up as you can in 60 seconds, rest for 1 minute then repeat for another round. Want to challenge yourself, try doing a push up between each of your pull ups.

Tuesday – It's time to bring back out that hula hoop! Try to increase the time you did the first week.

Family working out in the park

Wednesday – Create a backyard boot camp. Start by setting up two markers 50 feet apart.

  • 3 minutes: Sprint to the far cone; return to base jogging backwards.
  • 2 minutes: High knees to far cone; return to base doing burpees.
  • 3 minutes: Side shuffle to far cone; return to base doing side shuffle.
  • 1 minute: Plank

Repeat circuit twice

*Need a few more ideas for your mini boot camp, try potato sack races, flipping tires or going up and down stadium stairs.

Thursday – Rest day! Feel like pushing yourself and your family choose to take a leisurely walk or jog.

Friday – Take advantage of getting into the pool, lake or beach to burn off some calories. Do 5-10 laps then take a two minute break and finish off with another 5-10 laps. Have some fun with it, you can turn it into a time challenge between you and the family.

Saturday – Enjoy a hike! Find a scenic spot in your area and pick a trail that will help challenge you. You’ll not only get a great cardio workout but you’ll also enjoy the beautiful views the hike has to offer. This is a really great family activity!

Sunday – Rest day!

Week 4:

Monday – If it's a beautiful day, go on a hike! Find a scenic spot in your area and pick a trail that will help challenge you. You’ll not only get a great cardio workout but you’ll also enjoy the beautiful views the hike has to offer. This is a really great family activity! Need a little help finding a hiking trail near you, check out this link:

Tuesday – Trail running – burn extra calories without adding additional miles.

Wednesday – Create a Fitness Scavenger Hunt: map out a 3-5 mile course that you can choose to walk or jog but when you see the following:

  • Park bench do 15 sit ups
  • Fire hydrant do 20 jumping jacks
  • Traffic sign do 30-seconds of high knees
  • Driveway do side shuffles across
  • Mailbox do 30-second bicycles

Thursday – Rest day!

Friday – Hit the pool to do laps! Do 5-10 laps then take a two minute break and finish off with another 5-10 laps. Have some fun with it, you can turn it into a time challenge between you and the family.

Saturday – Head to the park! Be sure to take the jump rope and hula hoop with you! Jump rope for 10 minutes then move over to the hula hoop for 10 minutes, repeat twice. Then it's time to do 10 tricep push downs, 20 alternating legs and as many pull up as you can in 60 seconds, rest for 1 minute then repeat for another round. Want to challenge yourself, try doing a push up between each of your pull ups.

Sunday – Rest day!

Disclaimer: This information is intended to provide helpful and informative material and is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent or cure any health condition, nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician before adopting a new eating or exercise regimen. The author and publisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence of reading this information or participating in the exercises suggested in this material. © 2004-2014 Massage Heights Corporate, LLC. All Rights Reserved.