Woman in green dress shopping at a farmer's market

Getting Back into the Kitchen


Deciding to make healthier choices in the foods we eat is the first step to improving our diets, but for many of us our ability to execute these healthy eating guidelines is impeded by our skills in the kitchen. As part of our New Year Healthy You blog series we have come up with some suggestions to help you combat those fears and re-enter the kitchen with confidence and savvy.

  • Start a weekly cooking journal where you can plan out your meals and your grocery list to avoid wasting money on unnecessary ingredients. Maximize the use of the same ingredients in multiple meals thus increasing your cooking efficiency. Plan, prep and even prepare all of the week’s meals over the weekend.
  • Do an online search of articles geared towards helping you stock your kitchen with healthy low-salt, fat and sugar cooking basics like unsaturated fats (oils), vinegars and spices. Then purge your kitchen of the less desirable choices to help ensure your success (while not fun, this might also be a good time to clean out the pantry and the refrigerator and reorganize their contents).
  • Invest in cooking tools you will need to cook healthily like a steamer, blender and wok and make sure that you have good non-stick pans and enough Tupperware to store your pre-cooked meals.
  • Get on YouTube and watch any number of cooking demos; they are free and informative.
  • Start or join a cooking club with a group of friends.
  • Take a cooking class at a local community college, cookware store or gourmet grocery store.

Try this easy recipe that works well for lunch or in between meal snack in a half portion size.

  • 1 can corn – pick your favorite, just not creamed corn
  • 1 large tomato chopped
  • 2 hard boiled eggs chopped (room temp or cooler)
  • 1 avocado chopped
  • Butter lettuce (if for lunch)
  • Vinaigrette – combine (1) Teaspoon red wine vinegar with salt and pepper, stir in (1) teaspoon dijon mustard and blend until well mixed.Add (2) tablespoon olive oil mix well.

Combine vegetables and egg and toss with vinaigrette.If eating for lunch, place atop bed of butter lettuce.

We wish you the best of luck with your new culinary endeavors and hope you will share your favorite recipes and any tips you have with us so that we can share your experiences with others.
