
Changes You Need to Make to Your Skincare Routine Right Now


Have you been using the same skincare products for years? If you aren’t happy with your complexion or wish you had a bit more of a glow, it might be time to switch up your routine! In fact, most dermatologists will agree that your skin has different needs throughout the year; staying with the same routine may be doing more harm than good. As we transition into spring, here are a few changes to your skincare routine you need to make right now to have beautiful, healthy skin all year round.

Seasons Change, So Does Your Skin

Your basic skincare routine won’t cut it year round. Your skin reacts to the environmental conditions you live in, paying attention to the weather will effect what prescription your skin may need. Generally speaking, you’ll find that skin may be oilier during the summer and drier in the winter. After months of harsh weather, your skin is probably in dire need of a healthy revamp. Your heavy winter moisturizer may be too much for the sweltering heat of summer. Changing cleansers and using a lighter moisturizer as the weather warms up is just what you need to keep your skin soft and supple, without being overly shiny.

Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate!

Exfoliating works to help rid your skin of any dry, rough layers of skin left over from winter. Finding the best exfoliation routine for your skin can make all the difference. What works for your best friend’s skin is not necessarily what will work for yours. After all, your skin is unique, and you need a customized approach to get the best results.

Don’t forget the SPF

While sun protection is a must year-round, as the weather warms up this spring, you are more likely to spend time outside enjoying the gorgeous weather. Allow one of our Skin Therapists to prescribe the best sunscreen for your skin type.

Get a facial

Not only will you leave with a healthy glow, facials are important to understand how your skin works and reacts to stress, elements, or hormones. Our licensed Skin Therapists map your skin and find the right products and treatments to achieve the best complexion for your skin for each season. We are proud to offer dermalogica® products that are loved and used by Skincare Professionals worldwide. For a dramatic change in your skin, we offer 60-minute facials and 30-Minute Targeted Treatments to exfoliate, moisturize and replenish your skin.

With spring approaching, right now is the time to start thinking about changing your skincare routine. As winter fades and with summer right around the corner, now is the time to give your skincare routine a much-needed makeover. Don’t get stuck in a rut when it comes to your skincare. Call your local Massage Heights body + face Retreat today to schedule a face mapping and facial with one of our licensed Skin Therapists. Let our Skin Therapists help you find the right skincare regimen and treatments to help you achieve healthy, glowing skin this spring, summer and throughout the rest of the year!
