Winter Skin Care

What You Need to Know About Winter Skin Care


Just as your skin was beginning to recover from too many days out in the summer sun, winter begins to rear its ugly head. Cold weather can be just as tough on skin, with biting, cold winds and drying indoor heat. The perfect skin care regimen that will help protect your skin from both the indoor and outdoor elements throughout the winter. Here are the tips to keep your skin healthy and looking great this winter.

Gentle Cleansing

  • We all know that you must cleanse and exfoliate regularly to keep your skin blemish-free, but some cleansers can be drying. Having a skin care regimen that is perfectly formulated for your skin type and gently cleanses will allow your skin to maintain a healthy moisture balance. At Massage Heights, we carry professionally formulated skin care cleansing products that cleanse without stripping your skin, leaving it glowing, moisturized and healthy.

Nourish Your Skin

  • It is not just the products you use on your skin that matters during the winter months; nourishing your skin from the inside out is just as important. Plenty of micronutrients and vitamins are essential in the renewal and development of a healthy skin tone. A diet full of fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy proteins gives your skin the nutrients and antioxidants it needs to repair itself from damage and free radicals. In addition, proper hydration flushes toxins from the body and allows your skin to stay supple, soft and flexible.

Moisturize and Protect

  • The hot summer sun can damage your skin as well as winter’s plummeting temperatures. Sure, you may not see the sun for the next few months but UVA rays – the aging ray that continues to penetrate through the clouds – are around all day, every day. Because of this, sunscreen and the proper moisturizer are equally important in winter months as in the summer. Work with a Massage Heights Skin Therapist to find the right prescription for your skin type so you remain ultra-moisturized and protected in cold weather.

Specialized Treatments

  • Beyond your everyday skin care routine, give your skin the extra boost it needs to stay healthy during the winter with Specialized Treatments. At Massage Heights our Skin Therapists offer Customized Facials that will improve circulation to the skin, delivering needed nutrients to brighten and boost the complexion. The Skin Therapist will customize a facial to treat your unique conditions; including facials to improve acne breakouts, specialized facials for sensitive skin, facials to reduce the signs of aging and even facials for oily or dry skin. In addition, we offer our Skin Elevations, with treatments that can enrich your winter skin with moisture. A few Elevations we offer include:
    • BioActive Peel for professional skin resurfacing
    • Skin Enriching to nourish your skin
    • Skin Refining for reduction of oil, breakouts and acne
    • Skin Purifying to cleanse pores.

Our Skin Therapists will work with you to create a skin care regimen that you can follow at home with our professional skin care products utilizing skin mapping to create the right combination of products and treatments for your skin. When combined with routine professional skin treatments and healthy habits, you can keep your skin looking and feeling healthy all winter long.

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