
8 Tips for Getting the Best Facial Experience


Nothing feels or looks better than healthy skin, which is why getting a healing facial is a worthwhile investment for your wellbeing. At Massage Heights, we offer customized facials that are designed to ensure you get the best facial experience possible. Here are eight tips on how to get the most out of your next customized facial at Massage Heights.

  • Get to know your Skin Therapist. All our Skin Therapist are licensed, specially trained and Dermalogica certified, so you will also be in good hands with any of our staff when you receive a customized facial.
  • Be ready for your Face Mapping Skin Analysis. The first step in getting the best facial experience is learning more about your skin. Your Skin Therapist will perform a Face Mapping Skin Analysis to determine how to customize your facial for your unique skin needs.
  • Ask questions. We encourage you to ask your Skin Therapist questions during your skin analysis and facial to learn more about caring for your skin. You have their undivided attention, so take advantage of your time with a skin expert and ask anything you want about your skin care plan.
  • Discuss expectations and outcomes. Let your Skin Therapist know what you are hoping to achieve with your facial experience. Understanding your expectations can help us customize your facial and home care prescription to help get the outcome you desire.
  • Elevate your customized facial. Your Skin Therapist will recommend an Elevation customized to your skin care needs and goals during your skin analysis to prolong and maximize the results of your customized facial. Our Facial Elevations include: BioActive Peel, Skin Enriching, Skin Refining and Skin Purifying.
  • Relax and enjoy! Once you begin your facial, relax and enjoy the moment while your skin is being nurtured. This is your time to unwind and let your Skin Therapist do their job making your skin as healthy as possible.
  • Give your whole body a health treatment with massage therapy. Why should your face get all the attention? Give your whole body the healthy treatment it deserves by combining your facial with a therapeutic massage and leave feeling and looking better than ever.
  • Discuss post-facial skin care with your Skin Therapist. Your customized facial is just the beginning of your healthy skin regimen. Your Skin Therapist will give you written, detailed home care instructions for your skin so that you can maintain and improve your skin between visits. Your Skin Therapist will recommend the best products from our Dermalogica skin care line that are designed to work with your specific skin type.

Request a reservation for a customized facial today to experience the benefits of complete wellness and skincare. You will look and feel better than ever. 
