Dry Brushing Materials - Towels, Brush, and Leaves

Dry Brushing

Dry Brushing is a popular therapeutic service that consists of a licensed massage therapist brushing a dry brush on the skin in circular motions or light strokes to provide exfoliation and a rejuvenating boost of energy! The brush is made up of coarse bristles, but don’t worry, this process of brushing the skin is pain-free and has many therapeutic benefits.

The Benefits

Increases Circulation

The firm bristles and slow movements of the dry brush aid in eliminating toxins from your body by stimulating your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is made up of organs, lymph nodes and vessels all over your body. By brushing your skin in slow, short or long movements, your lymphatic system will be stimulated more than normal, helping the body detoxify itself leaving you feeling refreshed and energized. The motion also stimulates your sensory nerves helping you to feel revitalized after your service.


The dry brush is also a great way to naturally exfoliate your body. The process of brushing your skin will remove dead skin cells leaving your skin feeling soft and fresh. The results are immediately noticeable as your skin will feel much smoother and revitalized.

Stress Relief

The gentle friction of the brush with combined pressure over sore, tired muscles provides immediate stress and pain relief by reducing muscle tension.

Dry brushing is gentle and shouldn’t hurt or break the skin. The licensed Massage Therapists at Massage Heights are specially trained to provide this service to guests.

Self-Care after your session

After your session, you will be able to take your dry brush home with you to continue experiencing the wonderful benefits! Be sure to brush with the same pressure your Massage Heights therapist used.

At-Home Treatment


  • Use slow short strokes starting from the soles of your feet moving up your leg and all the way up to your heart. Remember, not too much pressure!
  • Once you have finished with the lower half of your body, move onto the top half. Starting from your hands, move the brush up to your shoulders. Do not move too close to the neck or face as that skin is more sensitive and should be brushed only by professionals.
  • Last, work on your abdomen. Again, moving in slow short motions, making sure to cover all areas of the skin.
  • You can ask a friend or family member to help brush your back moving in the same motions.

To experience the full benefits that are a result of dry brushing, we recommend adding Dry Brushing to your monthly massage. The massage and dry brush combination works together by stimulating your lymphatic system to drain toxins more effectively and to better increase circulation.

Massage Heights doesn’t reuse brushes, but you can! Make sure to keep your brush in a dry place away from humidity. To clean your brush, use anti-bacterial soap and let dry completely before use.

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