Massaging calf with stone

Massage for Athletes: Get Back in the Game


Out for an injury and impatient to get back in the game? Find out how Massage Therapy can help facilitate recovery in injured athletes.

Many athletes will encounter some form of injury during their lifetime. As massage therapy continues to be at the forefront of research, it is clear that athletes can benefit immensely from this all-natural technique for healing and wellness. According to the American Massage Therapy Association, massage acts to improve performance, reduce pain, prevent injury, encourage focus and shorten recovery time. Essentially, massage involves two types of responses: a mechanical response as a result of the pressure and movement and a reflex response where the nerves respond to the stimulation of a massage.

Increase Flexibility Through Massage Therapy

To ensure you are at your optimal performance level, staying flexible is key to preventing sports related injuries. Regardless of the sport or activity, adding massage therapy can greatly increase flexibility and assist with increased performance.

Improve Circulation with Massage Therapy

Massage therapy also helps to improve circulation by stimulating the cells and soft tissue. With better circulation, energy-giving nutrients and oxygen are flushed to the cells. This allows athletes to move and breathe more easily, leading to enhanced performance levels. The American Massage Therapy Association also states, "sports massage can be used to improve athletic performance, speed recovery, and can be utilized by all individuals who participate in any athletic and/or exercise program to help improve conditioning and maintain peak performance. Many professional and collegiate athletic programs employ or contract with massage therapists, and sports massage has been sought for many years by athletes of differing backgrounds for multiple reasons."

Decrease Muscle Pain with Massage Therapy

Even if you are not a professional athlete, the chances of encountering sore muscles while playing sports is high. If you find yourself in pain from sore muscles, chances are you will not be able to operate at your peak performance level. Adding regular massage therapy to your healthcare routine can greatly increase your ability to perform, as well as aid in a more speedy recovery. Massage therapy also promotes healthy sleep patterns, allowing athletes a deep and restful sleep to recuperate and rest for their highest level of performance yet.

Increase relaxation

Many athletes are used to living a life of constant movement and activity. This means athletes often have a difficult time relaxing, leaving stress at the forefront of their day-to-day lives. Without sufficient downtime to relax from stress, athletes’ performance and overall health can suffer. Massage therapy helps to calm the mind and body. It also promotes healthy sleep patterns, allowing athletes a deep and restful sleep to recuperate and rest for their highest level of performance yet.

Whether you are a weekend warrior training for a marathon or a professional athlete, let Massage Heights be a part of your training routine. Our professional Massage Therapists will customize your massage to help you maximize your recovery and performance levels. Request a Reservation today.

