Facial Skin Therapy: Why You Need a Customized Treatment Plan


Your face is uniquely yours, from the freckles on your nose to that small scar on your chin. If you want your skin to looks its best, you need to ensure that it is being treated for its unique qualities. You wouldn’t expect someone else’s clothes to fit you perfectly, so why would their skin regimen? At Massage Heights, we believe in customizing your skin therapy treatment plan to meet your skin’s unique needs. Here’s why:

Moisture Levels

Everyone needs to moisturize their skin to help it retain its soft, youthful appearance. Yet there is not a one-size-fits-all moisturizer. Depending on your age, your skin type, your outdoor activity level and many other factors, you may need a heavier or lighter moisturizer to nourish your skin.


At different stages in your life, you have different hormones affecting your body, including your skin. While skin care will not change your hormones, it can combat some of the effects of hormones on your skin. For example, if hormonal changes have made your skin oilier, using the incorrect exfoliator can make the issue worse. Instead, you may need a more gentle way to remove dead skin and bring out your healthiest skin.


As much as you try to fight it, age will eventually have an impact on your skin. Collagen levels begin to diminish and this can take a toll on your skin’s elasticity and how quickly it’s able to repair. Skin care for someone in their thirties, forties and beyond may be very different than the regimen for a teenager or twenty-something. At Massage Heights, we have many facial skin therapy options to fight the signs of aging through daily skin care, facials and specific facial Elevations designed to refine, resurface and enrich your skin.

Specific Skin Issues

Each person has something they want to improve in their skin. It may be uneven skin tone or unresolved acne issues. To address these concerns, you need a customized plan that takes into account all the above factors, then works on correcting your personal skin challenges. Picking up a cream to fight acne from a drug store is not the way to treat your specific skin type. You need a personalized solution to treat skin care issues while not damaging your skin.

Mapping and Customized Facials

At Massage Heights, we don’t just customize your skin therapy the first time you come in- every time you visit one of our Skin Therapists, you will be receiving customized care. We use Face Mapping Skin Analysis to determine the right products and treatments for your skin care. We also customize every facial for your specific needs. What you needed during the hot, dry months of summer may not be what you need a few months down the road.

To get the best in skin care therapy, customized for your needs, schedule a consultation and facial at one of our Retreats. Our Skin Therapists will get you on the right skin care treatment to bring out your healthiest skin yet. 
