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Blowing Snow

Massage Therapy Can Keep Winter Colds Away


Winter is coming, and that means cold and flu season is upon us. And while researchers aren’t exactly sure why it happens, people do tend to catch more colds during the winter months – definitely putting a wrench in your holiday cheer. The good news is that there are very easy ways to combat the dreaded cold, ranging from simply washing your hands to getting enough sleep.

Another effective way to avoid the dreaded winter germs and bugs is through Massage Therapy. Not only does it relieve sore, stiff muscles often caused by colder weather, massage helps circulation and lymph systems in your body, increasing the flow and removing toxinsMassage Therapy also relieves stress and anxiety, releasing endorphins that can help you to sleep easier and longer – providing additional protection against those pesky colds.

Elevate Your Massage Therapy With Massage Heights Breathe Blend

While Massage Therapy is an excellent way to stay healthy in mind, body and spirit throughout the winter, by adding our Massage Heights proprietary Energize Elevation, you’re arming yourself with an all-natural, aromatherapy blend designed to help you rejuvenate and renew your vitality. Excellent for combatting physical and mental fatigue, exhaustion, sluggishness and dry winter skin, Energize includes sage, litsea cubeba, basil and cinnamon leaf that act as a circulatory stimulant, draining excess fluid and strengthening the immune system.

It’s important to remember, if you already have a cold or the flu, do not schedule a massage as you may risk spreading your cold to your Massage Therapist. Instead, wait until you’ve kicked your bug. Or better yet, schedule your Massage Therapy session and avoid the winter bug altogether*. Call your local Massage Heights Retreat today!

* Massage should not be used to treat illness. Massage Heights recommends contacting your physician for proper diagnoses and treatment. Massage Therapy can help alleviate cold symptoms and strengthen the immune system, but it should not be used as a cure. 
