Yoga in Sunlight

Relax and Recoup with Massage Therapy this Summer Vacation


Summer is a great time to take some time off from the daily grind. Most people plan a few weeks to travel with the family or get some work done around the home. But what about planning time for yourself? Everyone should schedule time to take care of their own well-being and health during their summer vacation. This summer vacation, make sure you include recuperating with massage therapy as part of your relaxation plan.

Rejuvenating Effect of Massage Therapy

Between work, family and all your other responsibilities, you have a lot on your plate. It is no wonder that when vacation time finally rolls around that you are ready to unwind and relax. While laying by the pool or planning a well-deserved hike are great ways to recoup from the daily stress, massage therapy can offer some rejuvenating benefits that other activities cannot. Here are a few great benefits of massage therapy:

  • Give yourself a break. Massage therapy is something you do for you. It is a break from your daily routine, even when you are on vacation. It is a time to put everything else aside and focus on your own health and well-being. Just the act of giving yourself an hour or more to recoup in a relaxing and positive setting is a start.
  • Lower your stress levels. Massage therapy works to lower your heart rate, remove stress tension and improve many functions in the body like circulation, immunity and blood pressure. While you relax and unwind, your body is able to heal in order to perform at its best.
  • Reduce pain and discomfort. After a day working in your garden or a long hike up a mountain trail, your vacation can leave your body sore and fatigued. Massage therapy is the perfect tool to relieve tight, sore muscles and spur recovery. In addition, your massage can increase the release of endorphins that naturally relieve pain and give you a wonderful sense of well-being.
  • Improve your health. The best gift you can give yourself is the gift of health. Massage therapy helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle which you need to enjoy every aspect of your life, including the time you get to relax during your summer vacation. While it is great to take time for yourself to have a massage during your time off, make sure to schedule time throughout the year to add massage to your health and well-being routine.

At Massage Heights, we offer customized massage therapy to give you the most benefits from every visit to one of our Retreats. This summer vacation, give yourself a little something extra by adding one of our incredible Elevations to make your massage therapy treatment even more amazing. Try our Hot Stone, Reviving Foot Scrub or a Revitalizing Face Massage Elevations to get even more from your massage therapy session. 
